
Separating the signal from the noise

This talk for ODSC West 2022 introduced basic time and frequency domain signal processing techniques and methods to identify and deal with motion artefacts.

Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning

A discussion of Ren et al.'s (2020) review of adversarial attack strategies and defenses for deep neural networks.

What to Know Before Choosing a Database Management System

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a person in possession of a good amount of data must be in want of a database management system (DBMS). This post tackles the issues involved in deciding on the type of DBMS to use.

What is Behavior-Driven Development?

This post delves into why you should use behavior-driven development and how to implement it.

The IT Leader's Definitive Guide to Predictive Modeling

Whether you’re new to predictive modeling or just need a refresher, this post will walk you through the essential steps of predictive analysis. This post was originally published on Plutora's blog.

Growing Young Tech Talent

How to design learnerships to get more young talent into the Data Science industry through non-traditional routes.

What We're Learning About Selecting Talent for the Future

How do you hire the best talent? In an age when experienced tech talent is almost as rare as the mythical unicorns they wish to work for, devs and data scientists find themselves inundated with offers from competing employers. Unless you’re Apple or Google, most companies have to take what they can get. In dynamic industries, such as tech, hiring decisions are increasingly based on demonstrated skills (coding tests, or technical reviews of previous work) rather than grades achieved. Like leading tech companies, we don’t believe in school marks. Umuzi incorporates very practical tests of candidates’ competencies into our selection process.