Ingane Health

Image credit: freepik

Hidden Delays

Across South Africa, an estimated 21% of children have delayed development.

Yet over half of all developmental disabilities are missed by current screening procedures.

Developmental disabilities carry a tremendous social and economic cost.

In 2003, lifetime societal costs associated with an individual with a developmental condition living in the US were estimated to be an average of US$1,014,000 for intellectual disability, $921 000 for cerebral palsy, and $417 000 for hearing impairment.

The longer a developmental disorder goes unnoticed, the more expensive it is to intervene: An Australian study found that every additional symptom a family reported cost that family an additional US$1 000 per year.

Moreover, evidence suggests that intervening in childhood disabilities before preschool has the highest return on investment. In the US, savings associated with early identification and interventions range between $30 000 to $100 000 per child for the state.

The earlier identification and intervention can be started, the better for both the family and the state.

Our service

An Android app for community health workers to

  • Identify child disabilities
  • Provide health information
  • Show nearest clinics and care centres
  • Track at-risk individuals

Targeted Outcomes

The pilot study, planned for early 2020, aims to:

  • Enroll 100 community health workers
  • Screen 2000 children
  • Collect disability and usage statistics
  • Increase detection of disorders from 50% to 80%
  • Increase knowledge of child disorders by 25% in CHWs
  • Provide health information and closest care centres for high-risk children
Michelle Hoogenhout
Lead Data Scientist

Experienced data scientist interested in social good.
